For those of you who read my last blog, here's the follow up to that and a recap of my day.
-Went water skiing
-Took my pup to the beach for two hours, the weather was great!
-Saw No Strings Attached
-Had dinner at a nice italian restaurant downtown
And here's the craziest part... I watched a possum get run over :(
I was driving along around 10 PM just heading home, and I see a possum walking across the road. I got out of the way and drove right over him, hoping that I wouldn't hit him. I cringed as I drove slowly and then turned around to see that he was still there. I absolutely had to find out if he made it across, so I turn around and come back. I'm at a stop light about 50 yards away, I see two other cars swerve out of the way to avoid him. Then a third card comes racing down and hits him dead on. I drove up and rolled the window down and he was still alive, just twitching. It was so so sad :(
Rest in Peace, Dasher the possum. Hope your in a better place.