Monday, February 14, 2011

Good Sunday

For those of you who read my last blog, here's the follow up to that and a recap of my day.

-Went water skiing
-Took my pup to the beach for two hours, the weather was great!
-Saw No Strings Attached
-Had dinner at a nice italian restaurant downtown
And here's the craziest part... I watched a possum get run over :(
I was driving along around 10 PM just heading home, and I see a possum walking across the road. I got out of the way and drove right over him, hoping that I wouldn't hit him. I cringed as I drove slowly and then turned around to see that he was still there. I absolutely had to find out if he made it across, so I turn around and come back. I'm at a stop light about 50 yards away, I see two other cars swerve out of the way to avoid him. Then a third card comes racing down and hits him dead on. I drove up and rolled the window down and he was still alive, just twitching. It was so so sad :(

Rest in Peace, Dasher the possum. Hope your in a better place.


  1. sounds like an awesome day besides the possum part. love it brother!

  2. poor Dasher.

    also "you're" as in You're lucky to live in the most pleasant city on the planet!

  3. sometimes those rodents just have a death wish and there's nothing you can do about it

  4. Gosh ! I'm terribly freezing where I live. You're pretty lucky to live in Sans Diego.

  5. Sound like your Sunday was packed!

  6. Unlucky Mr Possum. Sounds like a good day, skiing puppies and eating out

  7. poor man.
    what did you eat in italian restaurant?

  8. sounds like a great day, sorry about the possum

  9. :( man I always stop for animals, even stupid possums

  10. man i wish i could go running along a beach during this time of year where i'm living...

    nope, get to play out in the snow and make snowmen lol. Supposed to get down to -20 by wednesday

  11. Poor possum! Otherwise it sounds like it was an awesome day! I have always wanted to go water skiing!

  12. well the good news is that possums carry lots of diseases so there is an upside.

  13. That's sad man, I've seen people intentionally run down animals on the road.

    That shit is just cruel.

  14. Tell me about it... how can people be that evil?
    Animals > People, I swear

  15. What a great day. Wish my days were that cool.
